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​1.  How does your school work?


At XBa, students are grouped together by age and not ability level.  We have found that it is crucial for students’ mental health to be with their peers and not put into classes with significantly younger students just because they might not have previous dance experience.



2. Can I/my dancer take any class without experience?


There are only 2 Recreational classes on the schedule that require previous experience: Senior Pointe (Wednesdays 7-8pm) and Intermediate / Advanced Adult Contemporary (Thursdays, 6:30-8pm).  A minimum of 2 years of training in Contemporary and/or Ballet are required.  No previous Pointe experience is needed for the Pointe class.


For all other classes, no experience is necessary, however a strong work ethic is mandatory.



3.  Can I/my dancer come try a class?


Free class trials will be offered during the following times:


Monday April 29 to Saturday May 4

Saturday September 7 to Friday September 13


Dancers are welcome to come try any age/level-appropriate class during the free trial weeks if the classes aren't already full.  

Trial classes after September 13 will be $25 per hour class and $35 per 1.5 hour class until September 30.  Trial fees will be applied to the regular season fees if you decide to register.  


Trial classes will not be offered after September 30.



4. How long is the dance season?


Our season runs from September 2024 to June 2025, with two breaks at Christmas (December/January) and Spring (March), just like the elementary and high schools.


5. Do I have to register for the full season? 


Yes!  Our training program is designed for a 10-month season, we do not accept registrations for single or partial months, and drop-ins are only offered for our ADULT DANCE FITNESS class on Saturdays from 11am-12pm; $20 cash at the door.

6. What is the Withdrawal Policy?


30 days notice in writing.  Withdrawals are strongly discouraged as dancers will miss out on not only valuable physical activity, but positive mental health stimulation and community building as well.  Extensive scientific and medical research has shown that physical activity and exercise have been linked to improved mental health in kids, teens and adults.


If a dancer is unhappy with their chosen style, style changes can be made until December 31, 2024.

If a withdrawal is made after tuition fees have been paid, those fees are non-refundable.



7. What is the International Certification in Dance Studies Program?


The ICDS Program is accredited by UNESCO’s International Dance Council.  XBa is the only dance education facility in Western Canada to offer this program to our dancers.  There are minimum eligibility requirements all dancers must meet, and more information can be found here.


8.  Is the Pointe class available to recreational dancers?


Pointe will be available to recreational dancers aged 13-17 with previous Contemporary and/or Ballet experience, and will be on Wednesdays from 7-8pm.  Recreational dancers admitted into Pointe must also register for the Senior / Intermediate Ballet class (Wednesdays, 6-7pm) to properly maintain their dance training.  Registration in additional classes is an asset!

9. Where are you located?


Our mailing address is:


#6 1990 152nd Street

Surrey, BC

V4A 4N6


The entrance to the studio is located at 152A Street and 20th Avenue, at the back of the building.

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